
cartoons รวมการ์ตูนดัง

cartoons รวมการ์ตูนดัง สัญลักษณ์การ์ตูนดัง

The Japanese movie and television show, Densha Otoko (電車男?), frequently included Shift_JIS art both during screen transitions and within the story itself. One of the recurring characters during the series was a Shift_JIS artist who would often draw full-screen Shift_JIS works of art as a way of expressing his support and encouraging the lead character.Shift_JIS art is artwork created from characters within the Shift JIS character set, a superset of ASCII intended for Japanese usage. Naturally there are many similarities between Shift_JIS artwork and ASCII art.

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 Garfield - Odie - Jim Davis - Cat - Cats - Feline